Security Solutions

Tenerum recognizes the critical importance of safeguarding sensitive payment card information. To address these risks, we have developed advanced security solutions designed to protect your systems, customers, and brand.

Our solutions are backed by the same standards endorsed by the PCI Security Standards Council, ensuring you receive trusted and proven protection.

  • Our process involves securely exchanging sensitive payment card data for surrogate values, which are then used for processing and adjusting payments. When a payment card is provided to the Tenerum Gateway, it is securely encrypted and stored in our system, where it is assigned a token. This token is then returned to your system for safe storage and any future transactions.

    The Tenerum Token Solution offers the following advantages:

    • Irreversibility: The token cannot be reverse-engineered to reveal the original payment card information.

    • Expiration Management: The token automatically expires with the card’s expiration date and can be seamlessly updated with a new expiration date.

    • Enterprise-wide Compatibility: The token functions consistently across your entire enterprise.

    • Immutability: The token remains unchanged throughout its lifecycle.

    • Versatility: Use the token to initiate new transactions, as well as update and modify existing ones.

    • Cost Efficiency: All transactions are securely tokenized within our system, with no additional fees.

    By utilizing the Tenerum Token Solution, you ensure the highest level of security and efficiency for your payment processing needs.

  • Sensitive payment account information is encrypted immediately upon entry into the payment stream, ensuring secure handling within your POS or PMS system. The encrypted data remains secure until it reaches the Tenerum Gateway, where it is decrypted to read the account, issue a token, and then re-encrypt the transaction. This token is subsequently transmitted back to your system for secure storage and future adjustments.

    Key features of Tenerum P2PE include:

    • For swiped transactions, sensitive card account information is encrypted instantly as the card passes through the magnetic swipe reader.

    • For manually entered transactions on a secure encryption device, the payment card information is encrypted immediately after the entire account information is completed.

    • Compatible with Magtek, IDTech, and any other device supporting DUKPT encryption.

  • Our solution ensures that sensitive payment card data never enters your systems, effectively removing your POS, PMS, or other business systems from PCI scope. By preventing payment card data from interacting with these systems, you achieve greater security and compliance.

    POS De-scoping Options:

    • Device De-scoping

    • Browser De-scoping